Top 10 Indian Cooking Tips And Techniques For Future Purpose

Indian cooking is all about preparation and technique. You need to excel in such things in order to offer delicious Indian food at the table.

Do not worry, we have got you covered. In this blog, we are going to discuss some of the common tips that might help you cook delicious Indian Food in Sydney.

Indian food is generally pretty hard to make because of its extensive technique and method. In such a situation you can always order delicious delicacies from an Indian Restaurant In Sydney.

Top 10 General Tips For Indian Cooking

Some general tips and techniques to cook delicious Indian food.

  1. If you want to make soft chapati, always take the flour, add some warm water, then some warm milk and then knead the dough. Before you begin making the chapatis, let them rest for at least 15 minutes.
  2. If you want to boil milk, always use heavy bottom vessels. It is also very efficient for making kheer. Before you add the milk, add some water to the vessel in order to avoid the milk from sticking to the bottom and burning itself.
  3. If you want to increase the flavours to the next level. Always dry roast the whole spices and other ingredients such as nuts, Rava, spices, rice and dal (lentils).
  4. To avoid the rice becoming sticky while cooking it, you can add a few drops of oil.
  5. If you want to make rasam or any lentils, you can use the water that you used for boiling dal (lentils). It will give it an extra oomph flavour.
  6. If you want to get rid of the strong smell of garlic and onions, rub your hand in a stainless steel vessel or sink.
  7. When you are boiling an egg or potato, you should add a pinch of salt to the water. As it will help you to peel the skin easily without any difficulty.
  8. Set your curd in winter in a ceramic bowl and place it on the voltage stabilizer of the refrigerator. Other options to set curd are to keep it on a hot box, keep it on a wrapped blanket, and inside the oven (switched off). The main focus is to provide a warm place to speed up the whole process.
  9. If you want to make some soft and solid idlis, try to add some sago or cooked rice while you are preparing the batter.
  10. Rinse the noodles or pasta in cold water for the strings to be individual.

Quick Easy Technique For Busy Days

These are some techniques you can follow on some busy days.

  1. You can use canned tomatoes, or tomato puree instead of fresh tomatoes to save some time.
  2. If you forget to soak chickpeas overnight, you can soak them in boiling water for only one hour.
  3. While you are cutting off vegetables, you can chop them in bulk to use in future. Refrigerate it for further use.
  4. You can peel off all the garlic and put it in an air-tight box for future use.
  5. Whenever you are boiling potatoes, make sure to make an extra batch to make other dishes such as parathas from them.


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